
The antonym of Vulnerable is :

Correct! Wrong!

6. The noun of deter is

Correct! Wrong!

7. why has there been a rise in acts of violence against children in recent times?

Correct! Wrong!

8. Neither the teacher nor the students --- to use this book again .

Correct! Wrong!

9. As I ---- Mr . Chowdhury behavior towards me, I will not tolerate it anymore.

Correct! Wrong!

10. Due to the continual noise from the street below , I could not ---- what I was reading.

Correct! Wrong!

11. Farhana speaks English fluently : ----. she knows French.

Correct! Wrong!

12. I think my brother has --- his friends badly and displayed selfishness for a long time.

Correct! Wrong!

13. Germany has won the football match,-----.

Correct! Wrong!

14. Te strength of penicillin was a --- event .

Correct! Wrong!

15. The Highway Agency warned drivers to the extra careful and to delay journeys if bad weather. ------- .

Correct! Wrong!

16. Left ----- himself , he would be able to complete the work in less than a month .

Correct! Wrong!

17. The correct synonym of discrepancy is :

Correct! Wrong!

18. The antonym of viable is :

Correct! Wrong!

19. One who draws maps is called a -----.

Correct! Wrong!

20. The meaning of the word nocturnal is

Correct! Wrong!

21. The correctly spelled word is :

Correct! Wrong!

22. What is the meaning of the idiom to follow your nose?

Correct! Wrong!

A piece of cake means

Correct! Wrong!

24. The appropriate translation of the following sentence

Correct! Wrong!

1. According to some studies, dolphins, whales and _____ other sea creatures use highly sophisticated navigation systems.

Correct! Wrong!

2. We have to do some research in order to _____ the possible factors that could affect the outcome of the project.

Correct! Wrong!

3. Many people who live near nuclear plants are concerned.______ go wrong, the impact on the surrounding area could be disastrous.

Correct! Wrong!

4. Supposedly, digital versatile disks, or DVDs as they are called, are ____ resistant to scratching ____ records.

Correct! Wrong!

5. These differences between the two photographs ____ with the help of computer programs.

Correct! Wrong!

6. The government _____ that the projects _____ with great success.

Correct! Wrong!

7. The skills of sate driving ___ necessary to avoid collisions, which ____many thousands of people annually.

Correct! Wrong!

8. Salma could not tell ____ books were left on the table.

Correct! Wrong!

9. They like to keep their old houses rather than build new ones ___it is very difficult and expensive to lmaintain them.

Correct! Wrong!

10. Hydrogen peroxide _____ as a bleaching agent because it effectively whitens a variety of fibres abd surfaces.

Correct! Wrong!

Ques 31

Correct! Wrong!

result will be imliteve
Close enough!
carry on..!
You are Genius!
Great work!

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