

What does the word 'ambivalent' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'amiable' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'amicable' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'amorphous' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'anecdote' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'animosity' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'annotate' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'anomaly' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'antecedent' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'antediluvian' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'anthology' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'antidote' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'antithesis' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'aplomb' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'apocryphal' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'aptitude' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'arcane' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'arduous' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'artifice' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'ascend' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'assail' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'assimilate' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'assuage' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'astute' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'atrocity' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'attain' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'audacity' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'augment' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'austere' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

What does the word 'authentic' mean?

Correct! Wrong!

result will be imliteve
Close enough!
carry on..!
You are Genius!
Great work!

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