Boost Your Productivity with Microsoft Word’s Most Essential Keyboard Shortcuts

This is a timed quiz. You will be given 20 seconds per question. Are you ready?


Which keyboard shortcut is used to apply italic formatting to text in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the keyboard shortcut to redo the previous action, if possible, in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

Which keyboard shortcut is used to split the document window in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the keyboard shortcut to select all document content in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

What keyboard shortcut is used to cut the selected content in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you align the text to the left in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you apply bold formatting to text in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

Which keyboard shortcut is used to copy the selected content in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

What keyboard shortcut is used to cut the selected content in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you decrease the font size by 1 point in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

Which keyboard shortcut is used to align the text to the right in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you paste the contents of the clipboard in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you paste the contents of the clipboard in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you close a document in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the keyboard shortcut to apply underline formatting to text in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you close the document in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the keyboard shortcut to remove the document window split in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you adjust the zoom magnification in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

Which keyboard shortcut is used to open a document?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the keyboard shortcut to select all document content in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

Which keyboard shortcut is used to apply italic formatting to text in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the keyboard shortcut to apply underline formatting to text in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the keyboard shortcut to save a document in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the keyboard shortcut to create a new document in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you open a document in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the keyboard shortcut to center the text in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

Which keyboard shortcut is used to increase the font size by 1 point in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you undo the previous action in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you save the document in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you apply bold formatting to text in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

Which keyboard shortcut is used to copy the selected content in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

What keyboard shortcut is used to cancel a command in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

How do you create a new document in Microsoft Word?

Correct! Wrong!

shortcut 1
result will be imliteve
Close enough!
carry on..!
You are Genius!
Great work!

In today’s fast-paced world, time is of the essence. When it comes to working with Microsoft Word, knowing the right keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your productivity and streamline your document-handling tasks. In this article, we will explore the most frequently used keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word, along with a comprehensive table and helpful tips to help you master this powerful word-processing tool.

Heading 1: The Power of Keyboard Shortcuts

Heading 2: Enhancing Document Workflow

Efficiently managing documents start with the basics. Here are some essential keyboard shortcuts that will simplify your everyday tasks:

Table 1: Frequently Used Keyboard Shortcuts

Open a documentCtrl+O
Create a new documentCtrl+N
Save the documentCtrl+S
Close the documentCtrl+W
Cut selected contentCtrl+X
Copy selected contentCtrl+C
Paste contentsCtrl+V
Select all document contentCtrl+A
Apply bold formattingCtrl+B
Apply italic formattingCtrl+I
Apply underline formattingCtrl+U
Decrease font sizeCtrl+Left bracket ([)
Increase font sizeCtrl+Right bracket (])
Center the textCtrl+E
Align the text to the leftCtrl+L
Align the text to the rightCtrl+R
Cancel a commandEsc
Undo the previous actionCtrl+Z
Redo the previous actionCtrl+Y
Adjust zoom magnificationAlt+W, Q, Tab
Split the document windowCtrl+Alt+S
Remove document window splitAlt+Shift+C

Heading 2: Unleashing Productivity with Shortcuts

Implementing these keyboard shortcuts into your workflow can greatly enhance your productivity. Let’s delve into some practical applications and tips for utilizing these shortcuts effectively:

  1. Swift Document Handling: By using Ctrl+O to open documents, Ctrl+N to create new ones, and Ctrl+S to save, you can seamlessly navigate through your files and streamline your document management.
  2. Quick Text Manipulation: Cut text with Ctrl+X, copy with Ctrl+C, and paste with Ctrl+V. These shortcuts are invaluable for moving and duplicating content without the need for multiple clicks.
  3. Formatting on the Fly: Applying formatting is a breeze with shortcuts like Ctrl+B for bold, Ctrl+I for italics, and Ctrl+U for underlining. Save time by instantly formatting selected text.
  4. Effortless Alignment: Achieve perfect alignment with Ctrl+E for centering, Ctrl+L for left alignment, and Ctrl+R for right alignment. No more manual tweaking is required.
  5. Intelligent Undo and Redo: Mistakes happen, but Ctrl+Z (Undo) and Ctrl+Y (Redo) have got you covered. Quickly revert or reinstate your previous actions to maintain a smooth workflow.

Heading 2: Zooming and Splitting Views

Table 2: Zoom and Splitting Shortcuts

Adjust zoom magnificationAlt+W, Q, Tab
Split the document windowCtrl+Alt+S
Remove document window splitAlt+Shift+C

Utilize these additional shortcuts to enhance your working environment:

  1. Zooming Precision: Customize your document view by adjusting the zoom magnification with Alt+W, Q, and Tab. Tailor the display to your liking for optimal readability.
  2. Multitasking Efficiency: Split your document window with Ctrl+Alt+S to work on different sections simultaneously. To remove the split, use Alt+Shift+C or Ctrl+Alt+S.

How can I open a document quickly in Microsoft Word?

You can open a document by using the shortcut Ctrl+O.

Is there a shortcut to create a new document?

Yes, you can create a new document by pressing Ctrl+N.

What shortcut should I use to save my document?

To save your document, use the Ctrl+S shortcut.

How can I close the currently active document?

Simply press Ctrl+W to close the document.

What’s the shortcut to cut selected content?

Use Ctrl+X to cut the selected content to the clipboard.

How do I copy selected content quickly?

Copy selected content by pressing Ctrl+C.

What’s the shortcut for pasting content from the clipboard?

Use Ctrl+V to paste the contents from the clipboard.

Is there a shortcut to select all document content?

Yes, you can select all document content by pressing Ctrl+A.

How can I apply bold formatting to text?

To apply bold formatting, use the Ctrl+B shortcut.

Is there a shortcut for applying italic formatting?

Yes, you can apply italic formatting by pressing Ctrl+I.

What’s the shortcut to apply underline formatting?

Use Ctrl+U to apply underline formatting to text.

How can I decrease the font size quickly?

Press Ctrl+Left bracket ([) to decrease the font size by 1 point.

Is there a shortcut to increase the font size?

Yes, you can increase the font size by 1 point by using Ctrl+Right bracket (]).

What’s the shortcut to center the text?

To center the text, use the Ctrl+E shortcut.

How can I align the text to the left?

Use Ctrl+L to align the text to the left.

Is there a shortcut for aligning the text to the right?

Yes, you can align the text to the right by pressing Ctrl+R.

What should I do to cancel a command in Microsoft Word?

Simply press the Esc key to cancel a command.

How can I undo the previous action?

You can undo the previous action by using the Ctrl+Z shortcut.

Is there a shortcut to redo the previous action?

Yes, you can redo the previous action by pressing Ctrl+Y.

How do I adjust the zoom magnification in Microsoft Word?

Use the shortcut Alt+W, Q, and Tab to adjust the zoom magnification.

Is there a shortcut to split the document window?

Yes, you can split the document window by pressing Ctrl+Alt+S.

What’s the shortcut to remove the document window split?

Use Alt+Shift+C or Ctrl+Alt+S to remove the document window split.

Mastering keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word is a game-changer for efficient document handling. With the comprehensive table and insights provided in this article, you now have the necessary tools to take your productivity to new heights. Start incorporating these shortcuts into your workflow today and witness the significant time savings and improved efficiency that they bring. Get ready to unleash the full potential of Microsoft Word and elevate your document management skills like never before.

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